Updated FCG Operations Plans Reflect CDC, State & Federal Covid-19 Guidelines - Updated August 12, 2021
Updated Tour Protocols
Per our comprehensive Risk Management Plan, we assure you that we have numerous and robust procedures and field practices in place to keep everyone safe and healthy. We have updated some of these for this challenging time in order to address CDC, State and Federal Guidelines around Covid-19.
We will continue to schedule tours April-November. We offer small, personalized group tours for two to 12 Guests. We reserve the right to pair up two to six individuals who desire to do tours, but who do not have adventure partners. These individuals will not share equipment, food, water purification, tents, etc. All efforts will be made to keep larger groups social distancing and wearing masks when indoors.
Pre Tour
- Guests will be asked to sign an additional FCG COVID Waiver that will explain the procedures below, request compliance and address exposure.
- Guests will be asked to review this document thoroughly.
- Guests will be asked to complete a short health and travel survey regarding their health and recent travel and exposure possibilities. If issues arise, we will reschedule your tour.
- Guests with any symptoms two weeks before the tour will be asked to reschedule.
- Guides will not work tours if they’re exhibiting any symptoms within two weeks prior to tours.
Daily Procedures at the Ranch / No Communal Touch Points
- Unless all guests, guides and staff on site are vaccinated, all people will social distance and wear masks when inside the Main House (formerly “community barn”), even if just utilizing the Main House to go to the bathroom or get coffee/tea, unless they are seated at one of the tables eating a meal in the main room.
- The great room in the Main House will be ventilated at all times with windows and doors open whenever in use by people.
- Glamping tents and other lodging spaces will only be utilized by people designated to utilize those spaces and they will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before and after use and rested for 72 hours after prior to use by subsequent guests.
- FCG Guides and Staff will wash and sanitize hands thoroughly before handling Guest camping and packrafting equipment. Once equipment is allotted to Guests, Guides and Staff will not touch that gear again until the end of the tour, unless a repair is necessary, at which time Guides will again wash and/or sanitize hands thoroughly. Once allotted, Guests will be responsible for keeping track of and packing all their equipment.
- Group “shared items” will now be personalized for individuals or shared among family or friends-and not touched by FCG Guides or Staff.
- Guides will wash and/or sanitize their hands thoroughly before distributing snacks at the beginning of the tour. Guests will be responsible for tracking those snacks over the course of the tour.
- Guests should bring their own water purification systems.
- Guests will be provided with personalized toilet packs that include toilet paper (for overnight trips), hand sanitizer and alcohol/disinfectant wipes.
- Guests must carry all their garbage out, including their toilet paper. Wipes are not to be burned and buried.
- Restroom procedures: Guests will be asked to thoroughly wash and/or disinfect hands thoroughly before and after entering the bathrooms or outhouse. Please leave the water faucet in the OFF position while lathering as water is limited!! FCG Staff will clean and disinfect bathrooms frequently throughout the day.
- Social distancing (6ft) will be implemented between groups-Guides, Staff and Guests. I.e. family members and friends are welcome to sit, stand, or recreate closer together, but must social distance from everyone else.
Meals at the Ranch
- As of August 2021, all meals will be held outside.
- To minimize the transmission of the virus, please wear your masks and utilize hand sanitizer and/or thoroughly wash your hands when getting food from a caterer or food table or helping yourself to coffee, tea, snacks, water or beverages.
- We use a dishwasher in our Main House kitchen. All dishes and utensils will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized.
- Guides will wear gloves, and change gloves as necessary to avoid any cross-contamination at all times while handling food.
- Guides will utilize gloves to distribute drinks from the cooler or refrigerator.
Daily Procedures on Tour / No Communal Touch Points
- Touch only your personal gear.
- Guides will sanitize their hands if equipment repairs are needed on in the field.
- Personalized toilet packs will be provided to each guest (toilet paper (for multi-day trips), hand sanitizer, TP, and depending on the tour, Wag Bags). Guests must carry all their garbage out, including their toilet paper. Wipes are not to be burned and buried.
- Guests will be expected to carry their own garbage out. Guests may deposit this garbage with Four Corners Guides upon the end of the tour.
- Social distancing (6ft) will be implemented
- High traffic areas, such as visitor centers or popular trailheads, will be avoided. Itineraries are subject to minor adjustments in order to avoid such locations.
Mealtime Procedures in the Field
- Guests will boil their own water and prepare their own meals, coffee, tea, electrolyte drinks, etc in the field.
- Guides will never touch Guest food or beverages in the field. Guests will pack in and pack out all their own food/garbage.
- Guests will be responsible for purifying their own water.
Shuttling Procedures
- All passengers in shuttle vans will wear masks, even if with family and friends.
- FCG will provide you with a mask if you don’t have one.
- When possible guest vehicles will be incorporated into shuttle plans to minimize van time.
- FCG will provide hand sanitizer or hand washing options before Guests enter the shuttle.
Hand Washing
Wash your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. You don’t need to wear gloves if you wash your hands regularly (unless they are already required for your job).
- Use hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol if soap and water aren’t available.
- Wash your hands at these key times:
- Before, during, and after preparing food.
- Before eating food.
- After using the toilet.
- After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
- After putting on, touching, or removing cloth masks.
Between Tours
- We will completely clean and sanitize surfaces in our shuttle van between tours.
- In addition to sanitization, there will be at least a 60-hour “rest period” for the van between uses.
- FCG will completely wash and sanitize all rental camping and packrafting equipment between tours.
- FCG will “rest” rental camping and packrafting equipment for 72 hour between use.
Staff & Guide Vaccinations
All staff, guides and/or food contractors who work for Four Corners Guides will be required to have current and complete vaccinations.